Sunday, February 26, 2006

Bon & Mal's (Mostly So) Weekly Sunday Puzzle Page

This puzzle is brought to you by NAMI - the National Association for Mental Illness.

Today's JS (#16) is unique in a couple of respects - you'll see why as soon as I load it -

For one thing, it's the first to feature circles (this was necessitated by the fact that, as it stands, the hidden word was impossible to fit on the diagonal - I had to be inventive on this one) and it's also the first to include a numeral. This is quite likely to give the game away, but there it is.

When you have reached the final four open squares, it shouldn't be too hard by then to figure out which letters go where.

Anyway, the anagram/fill-in portion includes the journaler's s/n and the name of her journal (the journal name is also what you will discover when you've filled in the circles.)

Photo # 7 Haiku

Together we stand

clutching one another’s hand

facing the darkness

Write Words Writing Club





Anonymous said...

I know the let me just go do the squares real quick.  Lovely Haiku.  Hugs upon hugs hon'...hugs upon hugs.  Hey?!  Malt?...wanna pickle? ;)  C.

Anonymous said...

You know puzzle genius.  Beautiful Haiku.  Hugs and all good thoughts your way.

Anonymous said...

I want to steal your Haiku, may I?



Anonymous said...

the haiku made me cry
Hold on tight