Thursday, August 31, 2006

Prop-erly Pleased (and Pensive)

We are pleased as 'possums to welcome a new visitor to this page - and proud to plug Cathy, whose journal is called DARE TO THINK. Stop by and say hi. She has not been journaling long (at least at that page) but we shall, we dare to think, hear much more from her.

We have also once again to thank Kathy for her indefatigable efforts to expose our journal to a wider audience. She cleverly turned our post of yesterday into a tag, something it would not have occurred to us to do. Kathy is a marvelous photographer and is fighting a continual battle with aol's photo manager in order to allow us to view her wonderful pics. Go to Life on Flamingo Row to see them.

We must note here that a distinguished member of our community has been beset by a transient ischemic attack and needs everyone's support now. He has apparently not signed on since Monday, and many of us are worried about him. Please stop by V's journal TO GROW IS TO BE ANXIOUS and leave your thoughts and prayers.

Chapter 13 of Dark Rambler is now on display. Chapter 14 may be a while; many voices are clamoring to be heard.

And, just for frivolity's sake, here are a bunch of pictures we've been saving up.

If you love creatures of the species Rodentia, as we do, we're certain you'll enjoy this small gallery.

Do they come any cuter than this? We don't think so.


Please - this is just cruel. Yes, we know that it's unbearably cute, but think of how you'd feel if you were forced to wear a cap like this. You wouldn't be very happy, would you?

This too is obvious cruelty. Inducing a small furball to consume vast amounts of jellied fruit until it is incapable of movement is unspeakable. And we refuse to consider the unforeseen results of teaching it to wield a utensil.


This is much more felicitous. Granted that it is wearing headgear, but this creature has been educated and is preparing to matriculate. Furthering your pet's education is productive, and may one day prove useful in saving its life, as in this illustration -

In conclusion, respect your small, furry pet and it will respect you.

Lastly, for the Boopsters in the audience (we know that you're out there, and you know who you are) we offer this -

Addendum to yesterday's post -

East Rochester

On Aug. 13, police charged Giacomo Mascaro of East Rochester and Nathan Rider of LeRoy with driving while intoxicated. Police allege that the two drove toward each other from opposite directions on S. Washington St. and collided. Rider and Mascaro allegedly failed sobriety tests.

This incident occurred on the same day as the previous entry, in which two inebriates chose to slug it out in the middle of Main Street. August 13th was a Sunday. Need we say more?



Anonymous said...

arent the fuzzies adorable!
Kathy's is one of my favs too!

Anonymous said...

Oh good golly gee!  Those little furballs are just adorable.  Yes, even though they have been humilitated beyond belief!  Which reminds me.  I forgot to tell you of the little black field mouse, no bigger 'n a minute ... that Murphy, my sister's giganti-cat had in the kitchen.... stay tuned!