Monday, October 31, 2005

Trick or Treat Thru J-land

Malcolm will be up and about tomorrow. Until then -

Halloween in 1920's Siberia -

"Trick or treat / have a beet / we have nothing / else to eat."




Anonymous said...

LOL  Cute poem.  Reminds me of Dr. Zivago  LOL


Anonymous said...

I hope he's feeling better soon!  :)  Take care Bonnie!

Anonymous said...

Much more respectable and kind than the one the kids have now....trick or treat, smell my feet, gimme something good to eat.

I ask for a trick since they're so demanding.

Hope that Mal is feeling better, there's some nasty stuff going around here in MN. Our daughter was sick for 10 days and others have things similar to the flu symptoms. Not a big fan of this time of year doing daycare and all.

Stay healthy Bon.....

Anonymous said...

Hooray glad to hear your feeling better and will be back later. D

Anonymous said...

that was cute. Glad to hear Malcom is feeling better. Hope you both had a Happy Halloween! ~ L

Anonymous said...

LOL, you're as witty as Malcom... --Albert

Anonymous said...

oh I like that one..
Gem :-)