Sunday, January 1, 2006

Bon & Mal's 2006 Weekly Sunday Puzzle Page

Happy 2006, fellow journalers. A whole year of puzzles stretches ahead of us. We should really find a way to market these things, but they seem to keep popping up like hideous mushrooms everywhere we look (yes, okay, so we took advantage of the trend too, but is there no limit?) At this rate, no one will pay us for our measly contributions. Ah well, labor of love and all that.

The theme journaler of the 5th puzzle was Deanna. (Did you have your hubby do the puzzle? No? See what you missed?)

Without further ado, this week's contribution -


This week's entry features the journaler's first name and the name of her journal. Reliable sources inform us that this is one of the easiest so far, rated at most a 2. It doesn't quite solve itself, but it comes close.

A couple of entries from the Webster police blotter -

At 4:40 a.m. Dec. 10, a car pulled into the driveway of a Klem Road home and the driver got out and dragged a fruit stand from the front of the home into the middle of the road. The driver also smashed a kitchen window with a garbage can.

Someone evidently had issues. Perhaps a purchase of some spoiled fruit?

A 34-year-old Rochester man is accused of taking a bed comforter off a shelf at the Kohl's store at 925 Holt Road and trying to return it as purchased merchandise. An employee gave him a store credit card worth $172.79, the value of the comforter. Another employee said he saw the man take the comforter from the shelf, and the card was canceled.

Here's where it gets good -

The man returned a short time later to complain that the card had been canceled, and he was arrested and charged with petit larceny.

No one can claim that there's a shortage of dumb criminals.



Anonymous said...

that is priceless! the nerve of some people!
Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

I think that is a great idea to market those.  And that is a funny one about the guy and the comforter.  Happy New Year if I haven't stopped by to say so yet.  Hugs,

Anonymous said...

I have to learn how to do these puzzles!
Hugs & Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Dumb & Dumber - lol

Happy 2006!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm just popping in to give you both a hug!



Anonymous said...

I immediately identified the above journal as Life on Flamingo Row. But how could I not? I love Kathy!

Otherwise I must admit I am clueless regarding your puzzles. But I want to know more because I love puzzles!

So if there is a link that can give me a quick tutorial...or a slow one is even better... let me know so I can participate in the future.

Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Hey, just popping in to see how you are doing.  Miss ya.  Hope you are okay.