Saturday, September 10, 2005

The Name Game

Borrowed from Cynthia of Sorting the Pieces:

Name Meanings

Malcolm - Dove: Latin

You are a talentless, fatheaded jerk. Leave this site immediately and never return.








Anonymous said...

Dang, I didn't get that reply.  LOL  I was so hoping to get something like that!  You lucky man!  


Anonymous said...

You can't fool me, you charismatic, successful thing, you.

Anonymous said...

Well, seeing as I am named after a strong liquor, I would not want to see what my name actually means. LOL  

">>>"You are a talentless, fatheaded jerk. Leave this site immediately and never return.
">>>>> there's an ego boost for ya eh? ;-)


Anonymous said...

Well, indeed you amuse us!  I immediately had to go check out my name meaning and was, sadly, disappointed when I did not receive 'you are a complete knuckehead with no real direction in life.  leave this site immediately.'  Instead, I found something much nicer...

Anonymous said...

Somehow I find the meaning of your name they gave you VERY hard to believe!