Thursday, September 29, 2005

Tagged by LeAnn

Fun for all ages - I've been tagged by LeAnn, author of the journal Befuddled, which you should go read. 

The rules:

1.  Go to your journal's archives.

2.  Find the 23rd post.

3.  Find the 5th sentence in that post.

4.  Post that sentence with these instuctions.

"My attention to detail (a favorite phrase of one of my old bosses) is suffering to the point at which it's difficult to work on Diatoms."

I won't even attempt to explain it.



Anonymous said...

Hi Bon & Mal!
I've been tagged to with this game..weeks ago! shame on me.. haven't work on it.
Have  wonderful weekend!
Gem :)

Anonymous said...

Fun for all ages - I've been tagged by LeAnn, author of the journal Befuddled, which you should go read.

The rules:

1.  Go to your journal's archives.

2.  Find the 23rd post.

3.  Find the 5th sentence in that post.

4.  Post that sentence with these instuctions.
"She puts her pants on one leg at a time just like I do!"

Anonymous said...

Lol.  Thanks for visiting my journal.  I still have to do my tag of my 23rd entry.
