Wednesday, July 13, 2005

...I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello ...

Okay ........ let's try this again. I'll do this geographically, from Left Coast to north, to east, to south ... Albert gets pride of place because he was my first visitor. 

Hi, Albert. Will you leave your heart in San Francisco?

Hi, Brandie. Hope all's well in the land o' the lakes.

Hi, cneinhorn (may we call you Nettie?). We like seeing New Jersey through your lens.

Hi, Judith and Virginia. Thank you both for sharing your special talents.

Hi, Jennifer. I fear that much is not well with you now. My wish is that everything resolves itself and you return to us.

Hi, Sam. As with the others, thanks for the photos and welcome to my world.

Hi, Queen Big O. Say hi to the King too. Potter forever!

Hi, Marti. Your pictures, also, never fail to please us.

Hi, Cynthia, there in the wilds of TN. May happiness never fail to come your way.

And hello to shellys555 in NYC. Thank you for helping to disseminate those most marvelous objects, books.

And if there are lurkers out there, I'm a ho' for comments, and I'll pimp you if you let me know who you are. (Geez, pimps & ho's, this is getting bad.)

Now I have to check and make sure that all the links work.



Anonymous said...

Lookie there!!!!  IT WORKED!!!  I'm getting a little worried all this pimpin and ho's talk.  :)  lol  Thanks for highlighting some journals to I go to jog.  

2 days!

Anonymous said...

You are a very kind man, Malcom!  :-) Albert

Anonymous said...

awww, thank you and we are in the burbs of DC :):):) hugs, judi

Anonymous said...

aww yes you may call me nettie or net for short ;-)    fun entry...i will be checking out some of the journals im not familiar with!
