Thursday, July 28, 2005

Gimme an 'R' ...

Wow! It's been over two months since I last did 'fun facts.' Where does the time go?

Once again I must credit Rochester Democrat and Chronicle staff writer Lauri Githens Hatch for these informative nuggets of knowledge (after all, there's a remote chance that she may be doing Internet searches for Rochester columns).

Fun fact #21:

"You will hear Rochestarians publicly proclaim Buffalo as inferior. However, if you ask them to tag along on a road trip to Walden Galleria mall, a Bills game, a Sabres game or any of Buffalo's roughly 562 bars open till 4 a.m., they'll hop in your car before you can say "Thruway.""

The two premier cities of Western NY have quite the rivalry going, and it must irk Buffalonians no end that the Bills moved their training camp to our fair city (well, to the suburbs of our fair city, anyway.) Be that as it may, Rochesterians are major consumers of "Buffalo Style Chicken Wings", so ha-ha on us.

Fun fact #22:

"If you disdain megacentrifuge rides in favor of creaky wooden coasters that make you scream like a girl and then hurl, the Jack Rabbit at Seabreeze amusement park exists for your enjoyment/embarrassment."

The Jack Rabbit at Seabreeze (between Irondequoit Bay and Lake Ontario, a truly beautiful spot) is, and has been for years (stretching back to fin de siecle Rochester or shortly thereafter) an institution. When Bonnie and I were both just out of toddlerhood, we braved this monster 'coaster. Even now, as old and seemingly tame (compared to new 'coasters) as it is, it's still one helluva good ride. The last quarter of the ride goes through a tunnel that is, except for stray rays of light, almost pitch black.

Fun fact #23:

"Regardless of what stores tell you, these work best for scraping your windshield in winter: The spatula you use to flip your white-hots on the grill, a Kodak ID, a Wegmans Shoppers Club card or a Chuck Mangione CD."


Fun fact #24:

"It's considered rude to go to the Rochester Public Market and leave with manageable packages. The proper form is to weave toward the exit, arms so laden with fresh baked goods, produce, meats and ethnic delicacies that you cannot pick out your own car."

We can't testify to this one, not having been for decades, but it sounds plausible.

Six facts to go. One more blaze-of-glory entry on the wonderfulness of Rochester.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like fun fact #24 the best.  Sounds just like me.