Friday, November 18, 2005

Death, Taxes and Winter


Winter has come to the Northeast, and we dread the first snow of the season. We'll have to hire someone to clear the driveway this year, an added expense (on top of the gigantic heating bills we expect to bitterly weep over) we'd rather not have. Living on a fixed income means that we must engage in some creative juggling in order to stay on budget, and this year we'll have to be particularly dextrous. Perhaps we should move to Belize and live like monarchs. Yeah, that'd be nice.

Fractured philosophy - "If you let a smile be your umbrella, all you'll receive is a mouthful of rain."



ckays1967 ckays1967 said... mom wants to move to Belize. She is sure that that is where happiness is found.


8:43 PM

Kelly Kelly said...

oh man, tropical sounds good right about now

9:30 PM

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am enjoying picturing you two all cozy by the fire with your puzzles and your peace